At Contemporary Endodontics, we take your oral health and safety seriously. One of the key responsibilities of any dentist is to reassure their patients that their safety and well-being are a top priority. When you visit our office, our endodontist and team will take the time to help you understand your current oral health situation, your treatment options and the effect of your oral health on your overall health. We invite you to call us at 708-361-1770 for more information about endodontic and root canal safety in Palos Heights, Illinois, and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Richard J. Pasiewicz and Dr. Hacer Aksel.

Your oral health has a significant impact on your overall health, and endodontics plays a key role in helping you maintain good oral health by eliminating pain and infection and helping you preserve your natural teeth.

There are many myths about root canal therapy, some of which may make the procedure seem unsafe or more invasive than it actually is. For example, in the 1920s, Dr. Weston A. Price presented research suggesting that bacteria trapped in dentinal tubules during a root canal treatment could “leak” and cause a systemic disease. He advocated for tooth extraction over endodontic treatment, which lead to an era where tooth extraction became the common treatment for both endodontic problems and preventive care. His research was highly criticized at the time he published it, and by the early 1930s many other studies had discredited his findings using more modern research techniques. Since then, research has continued to prove that root canal therapy is safe and highly effective.

We encourage you to speak with our endodontist and team about your procedure in order to gain a full understanding of your oral health and what will happen during your treatment. If you are interested in learning more about endodontics, you can speak with a member of our team or visit the website for the American Association of Endodontists.